Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Wikity Wikity Wikity Whack!

Well I got the miltownkids wiki setup today. I think I'm going to have a lot of fun messing with that. I also watched Ong Bak like I said I would and I was pleased with that movie. Today wasn't as productive as yesterday I guess. I played RO, messed with the site, watched a few movies (I also watched the first half of Dreamcatcher) and went out for dinner. I gave Master Wang a call to wish him a Happy Teacher's Day, but he wasn't home. I did get to talk to his wife for a while though.

What I'm looking forward to most right now is buying a bicycle. Paul said he knows the guy that owns the shop I want to buy from so he's going to go with me to get it. I guess that's about all for today.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Man On Fire

Just got home from seeing Man On Fire and came away feeling like it was money well spent. I thought the movie flowed nicely and there was never any spots that made me bored or have any other not-so-good feelings about the movie. Actually, I was just planning on staying home today messing with the internet and watching movies, but someone got me out of the house to attend a meeting of some sort (with free beer as an incentive, mom, I only had one). I met another Forumosan friend there and he planned on seeing a movie with yet someone else from the site. So, after the meeting we all met at Warner Cinema and peeped the flick.

Other things I got done today were setting up a blog for our game of Diplomacy. Have a look if you're interested in playing or curious. I also started a yahoo group for "The Game Club" (dum dum duuuuuuummmm!!!) We're already up to 1 members. And finally I started work on that wiki I want to setup. I asked for recommendations over on and decided to use PmWiki. That should be fully setup soon. I had to contact my host's tech support to change some settings to get it to work.

What the hay! I'll even post a KTV song ("hold back all the 14 year old girls") and just leave it in wav format. The quality isn't so good since it was recorded with my Palm, but it's better then nothing. It's the miltownkid rendition of "I Believe I Can Fly" (it took a while to find a site with no pop-ups). I'd be shocked if you could sit through the whole song (I can't).

I will watch Ong Bak (best site I could find) tomorrow.

Small vacation

Tomorrow (well technically today) is Mid-Autumn Festival (or Moon Festival or something?) so no work and the next day inspectors are coming, so no work. Two days off. ahhhhh...

So I finished Harry Potter book 4. This book was a lot more sinister then the other three. I also thought it was a great build up to book five (I'm glad I don't have to wait for it to come out). I still haven't finished watching the 3rd movie, but I still think it was the best one.

I did try to get the music (from KTV) on the site today, but had problems with converting and such. Since I have off tomorrow I'll get it done then. Also scheduled for tomorrow is setting up a miltownkids wiki and a blog for diplomacy (the current game with me forumosa friends).

Tomorrow also happens to be Teacher's Day. Well, it's late. Catch ya on the flip side.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Simple Living

Yesterday mooring I was thinking to myself "Gee, I'd like to master the art of simple living" (what ever that means. Then before I went to sleep last night I decided click the stumble button (which is a pretty cool program) and I happened to stumble upon this site (simple I've only read through a few pages of it's material, but it seems like a pretty cool site. I'll let you know what I get out of it.

Met Paul today. He showed me some new dictionaries for the Palm (that I'll be getting) and a new digital video recorder he got (now I'll need to get one too). We talked about a bunch of stuff. How much Bush sucks, jacked up things about the US, China reclaiming Taiwan sooner (not later) and making money off the web somehow to name a few things. I drank an Ice Moca Coffee thing (I very rarely drink coffee) and had this peta beef sandwich. Both were good. This was from a place called Doutor Coffee (I pronounced it Dooter/ur).

Before I went and had coffee I got a nice surprise. I went to play my daily game of Striker: 1945 and when I got my change this guy says "It's your vacation huh?" (in Chinese, I thinks he's the owner) and I nod and smile. After I'm playing for a few minutes he comes by and gives me an extra 40NT (that equals 8 more games). I say thanks and decide to try and beat the game. I did alright, but got crushed on the eighth stage (what's up with the spelling of "eighth", what's that G all about?)

I never told I sent them, but I got my replies from Sony and Nintendo today (just asked some general questions). They both said they couldn't help me and directed me to another site so I could get the contact info for Taiwan (except the Sony reps gave me the European site to find the Taiwan site. Someone needs help with geography). Nintendo's Taiwan contact didn't have a phone number or website listed. Just an address. So I'll be footin' it up there this week camera in hand. I'll post the emails I got from them tomorrow just for the fun of it.

I also played RO and read some Harry Potter (like I do everyday).

That about does it. Later.

Keeping track

I heard about this site a while ago, but I just started using it today. let's you us the RSS feeds that most blogs have to notify you when someone posts a new blog. That way you don't have to check everyday (and get disappointed when there's nothing there).

I'll be seeing Paul tomorrow (some of you may remember him from the "Sharing" and "May I go to the bathroom" skits).

Nothing very noteworthy happened today. Played a bunch of RO and read the Harry Potter book mostly. I did find out that Nintendo's new handle held (the Gameboy DS) is coming out soon. I'm actually mildly excited about that (I rarely get excited anymore, unless it's over something simple like a foot long worm). I also received the link to those Chen style Taiji movies (for your viewing pleasure). I've only watched the 2 push hands movies on the bottom thus far (I really liked the first one). I'll check the rest of them out sooner or later.

Here a week has gone by with no clips or new pictures from KTV. Well, I doubt anybody was REALLY looking forward to them. I still have them and they'll still be coming.

'till next time.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

When you're rollin' in your Chevy and ya feel somethin' heavy...

I woke up this morning with a bad case of the squirts (I'm sure that's the info you came here to see), so I had this wicked stomach ache at school today. Lucky for me we had a music class today at 9:15 that went to 10:00 then they had a break 'till 10:30 and I only had a half hour to go. I found out I'll have 2 days off next week. That'll be nice.

Today I met the Chen Taiji style guy and he was really cool. He showed me the form and some basic exercises so I'd get a feeling for Chen style. He also showed me how they did push hands and it was pretty different from what I'm use to. He said he's going to give me a tape (or a link) to see some more examples of Chen style push hands so I can better decide if it's something I'm interested in. He also said he'd help me find more Yang style people to practice with, which I thought was cool.

That's about all for today.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Watch out now. Get money get money.

I thought I'd post those RO pictures I was talking about so long ago. I'll get the rest of the KTV stuff up soon. A sat through an on line Ragnarok Online wedding today. Playing this game has got me wondering what direction online communities will go in in the future. It fun playing around in that virtual world and I can only see them (virtual worlds) getting more complex and involving.

After the wedding they had an after party and the summoned some MVPs (bosses). My level was too low so I just died right away, but it was fun to watch (that's what the last pictures are). The first picture is just a bunch of bears (with me rolling on my peco peco in the middle of the screen). I thought it looked cool.

I have a separate title for each picture, I'll have to figure out a better way to post a lot of pictures.

I plan on commenting on one random blog per day. It's kind of fun. One more miltownkid has joined the list of bloggers, oldsofty. Someone might be giving me a round trip ticket to Korea, I hope that happens. I'll be buying a bicycle next week, looking forward to that. Ah, and in Diplomacy I'm France. I also found out Hinet has 12MB/1MB DSL. I might have to see if I'm in range for that.

I'll get those KTV MP3z and pictures up soon. Probably tomorrow. It'd be too much if I posted them today.


I feel like a Coke. Posted by Hello

The wedding starts. Posted by Hello

And so it went. Posted by Hello

Getting lit. Posted by Hello

Raise the roof. Posted by Hello

Some people had a little too much. Posted by Hello

This Means WAR!

One of the people I'm playing diplomacy with made up an on line newspaper. I'm sure someone will like it. Look HERE.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Random Shot

How pros fix power lines.
I meant to post this one a while ago but never did. The power was out a few months back and since I didn't have anything else better to do, I took a picture of them restoring it.
Posted by Hello


Before I post and pictures or songs, let me get caught up. Friday night I went to sing KTV (that's karaoke TV, it's where you sing songs and the worlds go across the screen). That was a good time. I got to meet a lot of new people that post over on Saturday morning I had a parent teacher thing, where I had to talk about how I was going to be teaching the class (and I was a wee bit "tired" from the night before). Then the rest of Saturday was spent helping I Ping do deliveries. Sunday I got up and played RO. Went to GameClub. And after Game Club I played the Taiwaneser bootleg DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) because they didn't have the real one anymore (when I first arrived I refused to play it). Me and a GameClub buddy also played some air hockey on what must have been close to the world crappiest tables. The put went flying off the table over 10 times (probably close to 20). That did make the game a little more exciting though (I even got popped in the nose once).

Monday I woke up late because (I found out a 7:00pm) that I set my alarm clock to go off at the wrong time. But I wasn't late for school. At school they have highschool students that help (from like a sister school or something) and one of them must have saw me playing (the bootleg) DDR because they all asked me if I was in ShiLin last night playing video games with a friend.

Class was nice today because we had a clay class today, so I got to make a clay ladybug (maybe a pic will come, who knows). Then I went home, played a bunch of RO (after my daily game of Strikers: 1945 of course), ate dinner and started writing this. Now I'm all caught up.

I'll post again before sleeping.

Sunday, September 19, 2004


WE ARE THE CHILDREN! As easy as it is to upload, I'm only sending this one tonight. The MP3z will be coming. Posted by Hello

Quick Sunday Morn

I got home too late Friday (from KTV) and was busy Saturday (helping I Ping deliver some things). I'll be sure to get the pictures on today and I'll try to get some of the MP3z up. I'm playing RO right now and will be off to GC (Game Club) after that.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Where'd you come from?

Got emailed by 3 people I haven't heard from in a while in less the 3 days. It's strange how things work out like that sometimes. I was going to post some pictures, but I don't feel like it. I'm going to go read instead. Ghost's blog is now on the main site I'll be meeting up with a Chen style Taiji guy next week to practice pushands with.

I'll try to get the KTV pictures up Friday night and the MP3z the next day. Peace out!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


It'll be short today, not much to say. I went to an interview today for this teaching job, I'll talk about that more after Saturday night. KTV is Friday and I'll provide pictures and MP3's so you can enjoy the KTV experience from the comfort of wherever you are.

I do have something to say about what I think is going to happen with online communities (from my RO experience), but I'll save it for later.

Peace out.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


What started as a normal day; wake up, check email, shower and school. Turned into adventure into unseen areas of Taipei.

After eating lunch and messing around on the computer I remembered I had an appointment today. I was an actor in a small sketch about viruses in Taiwan (or something). The story was about the first (reported?) HIV case in Taiwan. I guess it was from an American doctor that contracted it in Kuwait (yeah, I'm confused too). I got to play 2 parts. First I was a doctor that walked by and waved at the sick American doctor (played by my British fried Juba) as he walked to a bath coughing and looking sickly. Then I played another (Kuwaiti) doctor that sees the sickly American looking in the mirror at a bunch of blotches on his neck, so I walk in to take a look. After a short dialog asking him what's wrong I suggest he sees Dr. Hussein (Juba and I got to choose the name). There were a couple of scenes after that as well, but I wasn't in them (so they're no import ;) ). This whole thing was filmed at the infamous HePing Hospital. He said he'd get me a copy of this and when he does I'll put online for download.

Afterwards Juba took me on a short walking tour. First we visited a book store that had a lot of language learning materials (which is nice to know about). Then we stopped at Hostelling International Taipei. And after that he treated me to dinner at a vegetarian restaurant on the second floor of Taipei Train station. When we finished eating we did a lap around the 2nd floor and looked at all of the stores there. He told me that area has turned into a migrant worker hang out spot, so they had some interesting stores.

Then I made my way home checked, did emailing and wrote this.

The forumosa game of Diplomacy starts next week. This is going to be sweet.

Monday, September 13, 2004

We pop, we brawl, gettin' money til the day we fall

Don't mind the title, just keeping things fresh. I forgot to mention how many people were at our weekly gaming get together (aka game club) yesterday. 11. Haven't seen son many in a while. There were also 4 new faces.

My RO playing is getting less and less as days go by. But it's still fun. Now I like setting up shops and making money.

The PBM (play by mail) game of Diplomacy is going to start really soon I think. I'm going to make another website dedicated to Diplomacy moves and maps. This is going to be good.

If anyone's interest I found a nice program for windows and Palm (and Mac) for playing Diplomacy.

My favorite plane on Strikers 1945 is the Flying Pancake now. I almost made it all the way to the 5th stage on one token today (go me!). I jumped the gun a little bit on the website yesterday. It's up now. Have a look.

Alrighty, I'm gonna go read.

I almost forgot. Robonutz and Ghost (I forgot the address, I'll need that) have started blogs. Those will also get added to the homepage.


We played our test game of Diplomacy today and it went really well. We'll have the online game setup soon and I'll post links to that soon enough. My RO playing has slowed down a little, but I still spent a good amount of time playing it. I finished Harry Potter Book 3 last night and started 4 today. Book 3 was my favorite one so far and I really liked the way book 4 has started. I'll compare 3 with the movie as soon as I can. I still remember the movie fairly well and I think they did a good job with the converting. This book had a lot of really cool extra details about the new characters (and old). It's late so I'll stop here. My scrabble streak ended :(.

Check out I'm gonna make a real quick page right now with MS Word. It should be TIGHT!

The Raiden MASTER!!

You can't tell go from the picture, but this guy is the Raiden 2 MASTER!!! He was playing both ships, whoopin' all forms of ass WHILE casually smoking a cigerette. I took this all shady like after I got done with my game of 1945 (on the right). Posted by Hello

This one's for J.Brnr, he should know why. Posted by Hello

Friday, September 10, 2004

JOBNUMBER joins us

Brother Pawn has started his blog as well now. You can see his at It won't be there for long though. Soon it will move to Today was good. We had an exercise class at school today. I took some pictures of the students, I'll post those tomorrow.

I swore I had something to say, but it's all gone now. Too much video gaming I guess. I must say that game is really addicting.

Man, I'm blank right now. I'm chatting with someone on MSN so my mind is elsewhere.

Will's going to start a blog too. Soon we'll have the whole Miltown Crew blogging. Wouldn't that be nifty. The KTV has a date of next Friday now and we're going to have a game of Diplomacy this Sunday. I'm kicking ass in RO. A level 63 Knight now. Expect a bunch of pictures tomorrow.

Oh yeah, there's one thing I wanted to say. Life just got a little better for me. The arcade (sort of place) down the street re-opened (they closed because of police problems or something) and they have Raiden and Strikers: 1945. Oh Yeah!

I'll post pictures tomorrow. G'night.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

A Quickie

Today was good. My brother started his blog ( It looks like the KTV (if you don't already know, KTV is Karaoke) and Diplomacy get toghethers are going to happen.

More stuff tomorrah.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Gazed and gazed but little thought...

is what's written on that can of papaya juice in front of my screen. The warning on the Tekken character's box says:

COOKING HAZARD-Melting parts.
Not for eat under 900years.

If someone wanted it I could get a close up of both translation boo boo's. Well, the gazed and gazed but little thought might mean something. I've thought about it a while. It seems like some kind of Zen quote.

On screen is a picture of that game I'm playing. You can look forward to me taking some (action packed!!) in-game screen shots for your viewing pleasure. Under the can and toys is my Dvorak key layout picture. I don't need it anymore, but it doesn't seem to want to go anywhere.

I (kind of) cut back the playing hours of RO (which is good). Now I have a merchant, so I can just sit down somewhere and sell stuff (as seen in the picture). I can play in my sleep!

A few of us are trying to organize a game of Diplomacy. I meant to get a face-to-face game started, but it looks like we're going to get an email game going too.

The run didn't happen today, rain (yeah right). I'm a little sore from those push (how sad). The next 2 days at school should be nice and relaxed. Tomorrow we have a music class (not taught by me) and Friday an exercise class (I'll also just be participating).

That seems like enough for today.

By the way. I bought those Tekken character's special for my buddies Rbrnr and JOBNUMBER (featured in that other post).

My desk Posted by Hello

Test post with . Don't look at the monkey's privates please. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

A picture is worth 1000 words.

You know how they say a picture is worth a thouhsand words, right? Well today I'm sticking with simplicity. Enjoy a picture of my best friend Marcus.

MACRUS (271K) I took this when I went back home last year. You can see Rcebrnr and JOBNUMBER in the back ground.

Today I played RO, worked and read my book. I found a guy to practice push hands with and will start next week (I think). Nothing exciting. I think I need to start running again. I'll let you know if it happens tomorrow.

Nighty night.

Let's see how outta shape I am. I'm going to do as many push-ups straight and report back. Hold on a sec...

40... I probably could have squeezed a few more out, but might have passed out, thus unable to blog. ok, g'night.

Monday, September 06, 2004


I was in bed and remembered that I didn't blog today. Let's see... Played RO of course. I'm a knight now and get to run around sitting on a bird. Isn't that great. School was good. I do still have to see the acupuncturest. I went today and it felt like I was there about 5 minutes. He had me lie down, then he kind of massaged my back. After that he pulled out this bell thing and started hitting it and I fell right asleep. Then he woke me up and did t again and then it was over (well, he did some stuff before and after that like check my neck and things).

I uploaded the scrabble picture, but I'm not sure if it will show. It doesn't show in the preview window. I might have to edit this post after I post it (I don't know why I wrote that, no one will notice me change anything).

I'd like to point out that in the scrabble picture "thorny" was "horny" first (and no, I didn't spell that). The weird square thing I was talking about is on the left side of the board. I think it looks cool.

I'm still practicing Dvorak, but I haven't been doing all my posting with it. Now I want to investigate other alternative input devices. Keyboards seem so 1970's.

Man the spell check on this site really sucks (

OK, I have to add the link manually. What I did didn't work.

Yesterdays scrabble game. (53.3KB)

Fixin' electrical poles Taiwan style.
This one was shot off me balcony a while back. There was nothing else better to do since the power was out. (357KB)

Sunday, September 05, 2004


Today was a nice day. Woke up early and played RO. I talked to John for a while. Spoke to Marcus briefly (and he was a tad on the tipsy side at the time). I Ping's Mom came by today and we played a few games of Chinese chess. She won twice and I won once. Then we went to eat at the same Thai place we ate before (I got the name card this time). Thai Town Cuisine. The food was once again good. After that I went home and relaxed for a bit. Then it was off to game club.

I had another lucky game of scrabble (I won). I took a picture of the finished board because there was a strange spot in it where we made this square block that formed words. You'll have to see what I mean (not today though, too lazy).

Well, I'm gonna go to bed at a respectable time tonight (like I should every night). I'll get that pic posted tomorrow. I'm still reading that Harry Potter book. I just got caught up with my new game. I'm about half way into it now. I've said it three times, but I'll say it again. Reading books IS much more fun (educational, better) then movies/TV. I actually watch less then a half an hour of TV a day now. In the past I'd watch 3 or four movies a day (talk about zoning out).

Enough blabber.

Saturday, September 04, 2004


I did go to KTV today, but I forgot to bring my camera (doah!). I'll be sure to bring it next time. Next time should be better anyway because they'll be more people (I'm trying to get a group together from Let me see, what were some of the songs I sang... I want to rock with you (MJ), My Way (Franky), End of the Road (Boyz2Men) and some other songs. I think I record a song or to and post them in MP3 format. Those would be funny.

I added a profile last night in case you didn't notice. Check it out if you feel inclined to do so. E bro may join the ranks of bloggers. I hope that materializes. Smokin' Joe Frazier called me this morning nice and early. It was cool talking to him. He said he might make a trip over here sometime this year. Marcus said he might come some time soon too (did I say that already).

I played a lot of Ragnarok Online (this link is better then the last, you can see what the games like and even try it if you want to) today. I still don't know what my mission is (I think it's because I'm playing on a hacked version of it) and it's still fun.

Because I failed to get pics of the KTV place I'll have to give you guys a substitute.

Here's me looking retarded with a monkey (I mean no offensive to retarded people, it's just an expression).

Seven too many

A friend here is trying to get rid of some pups.

Juba's bitch Queen and her seven pups


Let me know if you want one, then I'll let him know.

Friday, September 03, 2004

First week of work, over

The one nice thing about working is Saturday and Sunday mean a lot more. When you're not working it's like everyday is Saturday, so you don't appreciate having those days off. Gives you something to look forward to.

I got an email from Elliott today (yeah, I'm shocked too). Sounds like he might want to start a blog too. That would be cool. We didn't go to KTV today because it costs too much for just 2 people to go on the weekends. We're going to go tomorrow at 3pm, because you get a discount at that time.

Been playing a lot of the RO game. I'll probably get tired of it in a week or two.

It'll take some pictures of the KTV (Cashbox) building and room tomorrow, so there's something to look forward too. I like the Gmail account. 2 things I really like: 1) The way it keeps replies in one group and B) because you'll be able to search through messages which I think will be killer nice (you can already do that if you use a Outlook, Eudora or something, but other online email services don't have this feature). Plus you can store a Gig of messages. That should end up being a lot of emails.

That's good enough for today.

Wait, here's a funny story most of you wouldn't have heard. An English teacher got caught having sex with his co-teacher by one of their students (I think, by someone anyway) at nap time. Stupid foreigners. LOL

RO addict!!!

Will blog tomorrow. Stayed up too late playing RO and it's time for bed. I'm going to KTV tomorrow so I'll have something to blog about.

Nighty night

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

A new game

I like this RO game, we'll see how long it lasts until I get tired of it. The strange thing is I don't really even know what the point of it is. You just go around beating stuff up, buying stuff and getting stronger. But it ends up being a whoop ass good time.

I sold a set of Ax's Squabble Cards (he has another site, but it's down right now, this site is one he made a long time ago and put in my domain). He gave me all of his cards because he's going to be moving to Japan soon (tomorrow actually). So now I'm the distributor.

I Ping has bought me a bunch of new clothes for my job. I told her it wasn't necessary, but she likes having an excuse to buy clothes for me. I must admit that I do like the stuff she picked out though. I even have more then one pair of shorts now.

I spoke to Marcus briefly this morning and I might have convinced him to start a blog. That would be cool. I plan on taking the borrowed scooter for a joy ride tomorrow, just by the river, I think that'd be fun. Me and I Ping ate at this Thai restaurant (should have grabbed a name card because I forgot the name). The food was really good, but I didn't eat much because I wasn't very hungry. School still going good and all seems well.

I have a Gmail account now and if anyone wants one contact me and I'll send you an invite (I don't have many left now, but who actually reads this page?). You can reach me through the forum or miltownkid ((((at)))) hotmail dot com. Expect a Gmail review to come one day after I've used it for some time.

I finished the Harry Potter 2 movie today and I'll say it again, as good as the movies seem, they got nothing on the books. I also check Rotten Tomatoes to see if it agreed with my theory (that the movies have been getting progressively better) and it did.

I'm going to play RO for a little while longer, then hit the sack.