Friday, September 03, 2004

First week of work, over

The one nice thing about working is Saturday and Sunday mean a lot more. When you're not working it's like everyday is Saturday, so you don't appreciate having those days off. Gives you something to look forward to.

I got an email from Elliott today (yeah, I'm shocked too). Sounds like he might want to start a blog too. That would be cool. We didn't go to KTV today because it costs too much for just 2 people to go on the weekends. We're going to go tomorrow at 3pm, because you get a discount at that time.

Been playing a lot of the RO game. I'll probably get tired of it in a week or two.

It'll take some pictures of the KTV (Cashbox) building and room tomorrow, so there's something to look forward too. I like the Gmail account. 2 things I really like: 1) The way it keeps replies in one group and B) because you'll be able to search through messages which I think will be killer nice (you can already do that if you use a Outlook, Eudora or something, but other online email services don't have this feature). Plus you can store a Gig of messages. That should end up being a lot of emails.

That's good enough for today.

Wait, here's a funny story most of you wouldn't have heard. An English teacher got caught having sex with his co-teacher by one of their students (I think, by someone anyway) at nap time. Stupid foreigners. LOL


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