Friday, August 27, 2004

Well my interview went well, a big thank you to anyone that wished me luck. The school is only about a 10 minute walk from my apartment. I just showed up, goofed around with the kids for about 15 minutes and left. After chillin' in the crib for an hour or two I got a call saying I could have the job if I wanted it. I accepted. So I'll be entering the world of the working again on Monday.

I got to see Paul today, and that was real nice. I haven't seen him in a long time. We met up at Chili's near Warner Village. I had a Cajun Chicken Sandwich (that was seriously lacking in Cajuness). We exchanged conversation and jokes (I got to use that Pimp joke in person :) ).

Looks like I'm probably going to sign up for another semester of classes at Shida. The kindergarten I'll be working at is only in the mornings 8-11 (or 12), so I can still do school in the afternoon of I choose to.

I got a hold of Robonutz today. He's been busy with work and things (surprise surprise), but he seemed to be doing well. Well, it's kind of late and I don't really have much else to say. Keep an eye on, I plan I putting something there (even better then what's already there if you can believe that!). OK, I'm going to do some reading and get some sleep.


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